This is me:3

XoXo_3rI_oXoX's avatar

Last Login: 06/16/2015 10:01 pm

Registered: 11/13/2010

Gender: Female

Birthday: 06/25


Meet XoXo_3rI_oXoX

Hai!! My names XoXo_3rI_oXoX and my birthday is in November, when I was dropped onto this weird island. But it's actually really fun here smile
I love to go shopping, especially at Durem Depot. I'm not goth or emo at all but stereotypes rule. >.<
The marketplace is basically where I spend most of my money. I don't have a job, but I like to play around in fishtanks and grabbing booty(shutup you nasty perverts).
I haven't had any boyfriends here yet, but they're all short anyway. Well except for Ian. He's kinda hott(please don't tell him I said that). I seriously hate people with no lives who just go tto the rally to mess with people. The troublemakers drive me crazy.
I barely ever visit my home since it's really drab, so I just snooze off in my closet.
Gold varies with me. Some days I try to save it and refuse to buy anything, and other days I spend a whole lot.
It's kinda sad not having a family here. But friends cheer menup too.

Well that's XoXo_3rI_oXoX for yah.
Message me or something.
No I'm not good at the whole describe myself thing.
Oh well.
Demonique Melodies
ii love foodd


Haii x)

People I know in real life: