Where is the edge?

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Aura's Journal

Check out my writing. Some of it's stories, some poems and some is just writing based off a feeling or something that happened.


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Aura Wintergreen

Aura Wintergreen's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 09/26

The Girl Behind The Aura

I know that sometimes I can be a little crazy and not what you expect me to be but I make no apologies for that. I am who I am and nothing and no-one can change that.

I can be negative and maybe a little cynical though if you were to ask me, I'd tell you it was realism.

Sarcasm is one of my greatest weapons. I use it every day because as they say use it or lose it.

I, like everyone else in life face struggles and try my best to keep my head up. I believe that it's ok when I'm down. That I am allowed to be negative and people should just let me be that way until I pull myself up again. Anyway, it's impossible to be upbeat, positive and cheerful 100% of the time.

There are many layers to me, a lot hidden beneath my exterior and it takes me a long item to reveal pieces of myself. Its sometimes just easier to keep the walls up then to let people in and run the risk of getting hurt, as lonely as it can be, sometimes its necessary for survival.

I enjoy writing, sometimes role-plays, sometimes fan-fictions and sometimes my own stuff. I like to draw occasionally too. I also enjoy doing scrapbooking.

I love to read, read, read. James Patterson is awesome-sauce and J.K. Rowling rules. Potterheads unite!

Supernatural rules.
I heart Sam Winchester.

A thought, a feeling or a song

Will you be there when I break or will you leave me all alone?

Leave A Message For The Dark Angel

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smgirl825 Report | 08/22/2014 11:17 pm
Think one who has been having to struggle in the darkness for so long can forgive another who has been struggling as well? (skype)
DSKEmmanuel Report | 01/14/2014 7:45 pm
funny choice of words there, darlin. i hope you're not cold. razz
DSKEmmanuel Report | 01/13/2014 11:34 pm
ooooh. hey you kinda match me, darlin. *pokes* ^____^
DSKEmmanuel Report | 01/06/2014 12:36 am
aura girly glitter partyyyy. *pokes*
DSKEmmanuel Report | 01/02/2014 12:34 am
*hugs back* haha, of course. of course. and i'm glad i have you to talk to, and to give me random glitter shower parties. you silly girly.
DSKEmmanuel Report | 01/02/2014 12:31 am
and she has really lousy timing. on my birthday and everything. :/
DSKEmmanuel Report | 01/02/2014 12:30 am
it does. but it is what it is. and i can't change who i am.
DSKEmmanuel Report | 01/02/2014 12:25 am
yeah. we made the choice. i had to be the better man and let her be with him.
DSKEmmanuel Report | 01/02/2014 12:22 am
thank you, darlin. =]
DSKEmmanuel Report | 12/31/2013 9:01 pm
yes you did. your more classic look, hehe. happy new years. i hope you spent it well.