
i honestly haven't updated this in over a year so i think i should. so this about me is for all the ones i've never ever filled out. i'm horrible with them, sorry. i guess that's because i can't really tell you about myself since i barely know either. i change a lot really quickly. i think instead i'll just start typing and we'll just see what happens.

oh but first! know that i am pretty literal. i don't make that many typos, i just shorten certain words. like ik instead of i know, ig instead of i guess, s/t instead of something, e/o instead of each other, b/c instead of because, diaf instead of die in a fire, and the classic idk. and sometimes i just love writing a long paragraph using little to no punctuation. i'll refrain from all of that in this though.

i don't believe in a lot of things. like world peace, i think that is just ridiculous. i think dreamcatchers are ridiculous too but i have four. oh and i don't believe in war either. or the idea of not being able to sleep. or the idea that some generations are better than the other. i mean, sure, some of our parents might have gotten better grades than us in school. but what sometimes they forget is that back then school was a complete different thing, there's lots of factors you have to include. for example, computers were not popular at all, and almost everything you had to handwrite, and there was pretty much no geometry. there was a little bit of algebra, but you only went into the difficult stuff if you wanted to study to be a real mathematician. they focused on other skills back then, like wood shop and cooking. it was simple for them. anyway, there's other stuff that i don't believe in but i don't not believe in them. i just choose to ignore it. like religion. i don't know. i don't really know what to do about that, guess i'm not old enough to understand. i'm agnostic for now though.

i hate a lot of things and i love a lot of things just like everybody else. i hate when people pretend that they're the only one with a secret. i hate that being bisexual, dressing a certain way, and/or listening to certain music, has turned into a big trend. i want to meet somebody that believes in any of those things and means it. i love the fact that simple things can make me happy. like songs that really sound good. or when a person sings and really means it and you can feel the emotion in their words. i love zooey deschanel and how gorgeous she is. i hate people that pride themselves because they are "athiests and god suxxxx", "drink alcohol","stay up forever" (then complain about it later) "smoke" (anything) "party hard" "go to raves" "do lots of drugs" "******** 24/7" "fall in love" (for the sixth time) aaaaaaaaand etc.

i curse. most of my friend's parents hate me. i guess i'm a bad influence. i have never owned a cat, been to arby's or in 'n out, or rode a bike successfully. i haven't done a lot of things, but i'll do everything before my life's over. a long time ago when people lied to me to get attention it would really bother me, but now i think that it's better to just ignore them because if they want attention, why give it to them? s0m3t!M3sZ ii t@lKk lYk 4 f4Gg0t (lYk d!s) jUsT t0 p!$$ 0Ff m4H fR4ndzz.

i make fun of a lot of people a lot, and i'll leave that at that. i'm really quite bold, i don't take things i should seriously. i'm rude? sure. it's funny because i'm small. i've never been in a physical fight and i don't provoke or promote that kind of behavior. but sometimes it's fun to watch. i'm short (4 inches 11 centimeters sooooooo) and people like to point it out a lot. i haven't grown since i was like 11. oh you don't even know my age. i'm 14. well not really, i'm 13 but i consider myself 14 since my birthday is sort of close and i don't really plan on celebrating it this year. well this is running quite long! i'll stop soon okay i promise.

i can't really put up with modern screamo, i can barely listen to about a minute of full on non stop screaming. i love bands that include screamo, but i hate the ones that are based on it.
techno is okay, to an extent, i like daft punk though.
i still like owl city and paramore, although paramore could do better. my favorite band is probably the used or safetysuit. my favorite singers are kate nash and regina spektor but sometimes they both get annoying. but my favorite song is mr brightside by the killers. i LOVE lost, ian somerhalder, my iphone, aerosmith, and a bunch of other musical artists you don't care about.

okay, i'm done. so tell me, who am i?



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Ninja Cooki

Report | 06/01/2010 6:44 pm

Ninja Cooki

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Ninja Cooki

Report | 12/20/2009 2:41 pm

Ninja Cooki

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Report | 06/19/2009 4:20 pm


My 8 year old uncle is adopted, sounds freaky if I don't explain it, huh?

Report | 06/18/2009 11:35 pm


Actually, Monday I'm either going to Disneyland or Seaworld and Tuesday I'm going to the Zoo. So I'll probably have fun, too... I hope. I'm going with my most-awesome-grandpa-ever and my uncle... who, btw, is now 8.

Report | 06/18/2009 5:41 pm


you guys can go, next week I'll be helping my mom around her classroom (year round is still in school)
I'll be able to go sometime, don't worry about it

Report | 06/18/2009 1:12 pm


The problem with going anywhere during the day is that no one with a driver's liscense is home until 4 or 5... and there is no way I'm spending any time in the car with my grandma so that means I can't go anywhere until my mom gets home at 5.

Report | 06/17/2009 2:20 pm


I guess it's a bit late for that, huh? Why do you ask?
BTW-Sorry you've been getting sick, that sucks.

Report | 06/16/2009 4:21 pm


Yes It does suckk.......

Report | 06/16/2009 3:53 pm


Not yet, but i'm pretty far along, up to the part where L dies......... Friend me X)

Report | 06/16/2009 3:50 pm


Well duh, it is amazing! L is like my fav character. Plus, i've been having a gaia so... ya