M u s i i c is l i i f e

M u s i i c is l i i f e's avatar

Last Login: 12/05/2009 7:54 pm

Registered: 01/29/2008

Gender: Female

Location: In your pants.

Birthday: 09/19

Occupation: Asian Prostitute

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1. What is Your Name? Gwen
2. How old are you? why should I tell you
3. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace? http://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/12198432

4. What is your height? 5'9" (I'm tall... hehe)
5. Do you have any siblings? Yes
6. What is your eye colour? Green and Brown
7. What is your hair colour? Natural Brown Dyed Pink and Black
8. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Glasses but not all the time
9. Are you right handed or left handed? Right
10. Do you have any piercings? No but i want some
11. Do you smoke? Hell no
12. Do you swear? Some times
13. Do you get along with your parents? Yes
14. Your heritage? Celtic, German, French and some other stuff
15. Your fears? The dark, Being alone, Getting hurt(emotionaly), Bugs and some other stuff
16. Goal you would like to achieve this year? I'm not sure yet
17. Most overused phrase on an instant messenger? Okay
18. Best Physical Feature? Hair
19. Your bedtime? I don't have one but i go to bed aroung 9 or 10
20. What time do you arise in the morning? About 6AM
21. First thoughts waking up? I want more sleep
22. Do you shower daily? Yes

This Or That?
23. Bright or dark room? Bright
24. Chocolate or vanilla? Choclate
25. Dogs of cats? Cats
26. Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi
27. McDonalds or Burger King? BK
28. Ant or Dec? Umm.. I don't know
29. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea? Lipton
30. Cappuccino or Coffee? Cappuccino

In the last month have you...
31. Drank alcohol? Yes
32. Gone to a mall? Yes
33. Eaten a box of Oreos? Not the whole box
34. Eaten sushi? Nope
35. Been on stage? Yes
36. Been dumped? Yes
37. Gone skinny dipping? Nope
38. Stolen Anything? Yes

Have you ever...
39. Laughed for no reason? Yes
40. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? All the time
41. Been in love? Sadly yes
42. Fired a gun? Hell yeah
43. Been drunk? No
44. Been called a Tease? Nope
45. Been beaten up? No
46. Shoplifted? Yes

What was the last....
47. Furry thing you touched? My cat Tink
48. Thing you've said? My cat Tink
49. Song you've listened to? I'll meet you there by Owl City
50. (Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone? My mom
51. Movie you watched? The Adams Family
52. Thing you were doing before this? At school
53. Time you cried? Yesterday
54. Song you've sang? Consider Me Gone by Riba Mcentire
55. Time you looked at the clock? Like 20 Minutes ago at 3:20
56. Food and drink you've had? Water
57. Flavour of gum you've chewed? I don't know, I got it from a friend
58. Shoes you've worn? Black and red, cute ones
59. Store you've been in? I don't know

60. Planet? Pluto
61. Age you've been so far? 6
62. Season? Can't pick
63. Number? I have four. 15, 315, 33, 74
64. TV show? True Blood
65. Flower? Lilac

66. How much cash do you have on you? $2
67. What's a word that rhymes with 'door'? Poor
68. What T-Shirt are you wearing? A blue one
69. What brand of shoes are you wearing? Airwalks
70. What did your last text message say? I don't have a cellphone
71. What were you doing at midnight last night? Getting off the phone
72. What's your current desktop picture? My niece and my brother
73. What's a word that you say a lot? Firewood
74. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Hotpink
75. How is the weather right now? Rainy
76. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? There Hair
77. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Yes
78. Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)?v No
79. Who would you like to see right now? Russle
80. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2
81. Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace? I have
82. How do you want to die? In a cool way
83. What do you want to be when you grow up? I have no idea
84. What country would you most like to visit? Japan
85. How many CDs do you own? Like 3
86. How many things, in your past, do you regret? More then I can count
87. Do you think you are attractive? No
88. Do you believe in yourself? Some times
89. Do you want to get married? Yes

In a boy/girl...
90. Favourite eye colour? Ummm.. Grayblue
91. Favourite hair colour? Black
92. Short or long hair? Medium
93. Height? Taller then me
94. Weight? I don't care



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so.... ya......................dot........dot.......dotdotDOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dont laugh at me i know you are!

OH YA..... i totaly got hacked so i took this account from meh buddy!! if you is her buddy her account is now Zombie Gloomy Bear.....

love her like i do!!!(like a corndog..... like the food not the mean knee butt thing!!!!!!!!!)

so ya thats it! BUH BYE

Twitter me..... wow im a loser


My Music

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.


View All Comments

Polarbear_Lord Report | 02/17/2013 4:20 pm
Your name is similar to an old friend's email, but little did i know that upon clicking i would find such a cutie^^
A Heros Fate Report | 02/13/2011 11:00 pm
A Heros Fate
God I miss you Chandler... Tegwyn does too, and you probably won't get this because you havent got on in two years... but still it had to be said
TW1XTER Report | 12/05/2009 10:53 pm
what up hot sauce buddy
LittleShyEve Report | 11/15/2009 5:36 am
Pretty cute =)
Tay Tay Tainted Report | 10/13/2009 2:32 pm
Tay Tay Tainted
ii-Mr-Joe- Report | 07/24/2009 3:39 pm
*pokey* Forum? Killer_ won't stop bugging me.
She has patience problems ^^"
Celtic Aingeal Report | 07/23/2009 2:02 pm
Celtic Aingeal
User Image User Image User Image User Image
AND GRUNNY NINJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ii-Mr-Joe- Report | 07/22/2009 12:15 pm
*pokes* x3 srry, im in lik A.D.D mode, lol.
So, my friend still is harrassing me, so,
do yu think yu might join? sweatdrop
ii-Mr-Joe- Report | 07/22/2009 11:56 am
yaay =D
ii-Mr-Joe- Report | 07/22/2009 11:34 am
*pokes* hi.
my friend won't stop bugging me about posting in a forum, but we can't post until we hav another girl profile...
could yu fill da spot?
*puppy eyes* pwetty pweaz?

Pictures of me!!

Oh wow old hair color!