Mr Cheri

Ussurianth was in his element as he bore down on a beast, claws extended. He was not feeling pretty or elegant, and his food might have suffered for it. He didn't really care. The savage joy of a good hunt pacified his temper.

Tosk watched from the barrier, idly chewing on a piece of redfruit. It still felt weird doing everything... One handed. But at least eating fruit was a simple enough task for him.

{Feeling better?} He asked, a slight, shadow of a smile tracing his lips.

/Much. The fresh air is doing you good./ The bronze responded, content with his lot in that moment.

It was nice to get out of the infirmary. It had only been a few days since the accident, and Tosk wasn't used to being a convalescent. His brother had come to visit the day after, and Ada had made an appearance... But something still didn't feel right.

/We've been over this. You long to talk to that girl. You should let yourself do it./

"What? And let her see me like this? No." Absolutely, categorically no. He wasn't sure he could handle being around himself, let alone throwing her into the complicated mess that was his mind and emotional well-being.

Ussurianth said nothing, but he didn't need to. The smug, self-assured certainty emanated through their bond. Tosk rolled his eyes and threw the leftover core at the silly beast. It missed, but it was still a relief to know he could throw things somewhat far.

/You can't avoid her forever. Eventually you will have to speak to her./

"I'm in no rush for more pity, Ussu. Drop it." He wished he'd brought more food. Shards.