NAME: Muerte Perist

BLOOD COLOUR: Greenie ⬛⬛⬛ (#4b7d26)


SYMBOL: u kno


Muerte, first and foremost, is a man who is easily definied by his passion for medicine. Nearly every action he does, every thought he has, and every motivation he posesses is done in regards for his work. While this mentality causes him to make great strides with his research and tinkering, it leaves many other things in his life lacking as a result.

One could say Muerte is actually a fairly predictable troll, after you interact with him once or twice. He's extremely straight-forward in the way that he thinks; everything has a cause and everything has an effect. He tends to try and conserve energy when he can by breaking his thought process down into as few steps as possible. Because of that, he has a very black and white way of how he interprets the world around him. Is there a problem? What is the problem? How do I fix the problem? Because he's so damn analytical, Muerte is very much lacking when it comes to empathy. This isn't to say Muerte himself doesn't experience a variety of emotions (because boy does he), but he has a hard time understanding the perspective of other trolls and what they may be experiencing internally.

In this sense, the start of Muerte's hipocrasy starts to come into perspective. Muerte's standards for himself and for the trolls around him are at very different levels, and while he believes that he's harder on himself, the truth is that he's actually much more demanding of others. He believes his skills as a doctor makes him "better" than the average troll, as growing up exposed to the cruel "barbaric" nature of trolls within the hunting grounds has lent him to consider his race, by large, meatheaded and moronic. It would not be a stretch to say he is a bit of a troll misanthorpist, as he believes his own race is largely stunted by their unecessary bloodlust. This is where he believes he differs from the average individal. Because of this, Muerte is largely indifferent of socializing or interacting with "the general masses".

This superiority complex tends to be his undoing. His hubris largely makes other trolls find him ornery, pretentious, and difficult. There are few things that can grab Muerte's attention though, with the easiest one being wit. If another troll can prove that their clever or intelligent in some way, Muerte is far more likely to calm and and talk interests, as he believes other intellectuals are valuble resources that he can learn from. The second way is through flattery, as Muerte loves to be told he's doing a wonderful job and it feeds perfectly into his ego. The third way is through one of Muerte's greatest motivators: fear. Oh yes, Muerte is definitely one to put on a good bravado act, but Muerte is actually quite a coward. Because he's not physically strong, it's very easy to beat him in a fight. Not only that, but Muerte has quite a few fears about how he's percieved. While the opinions of one or two trolls doesn't bother him, the idea of publically humiliating himself in front of multiple individuals is a frequent fever-dream that tends to haunt him. The second Muerte realizes he's in any sort of danger is the second that he becomes much more compliant.

It's only been recently that Muerte has really started to realize the importance of connections, thanks to his involvement within the Initiative. Being ousted from society gave him a wake up call that hey, this is all he has now, so he tries his best to work with it. It's honestly the first time that Muerte ever felt like he was part of something bigger than himself. These feelings are all pretty new and confusing, so he tries to keep them on the down low where he doesn't have to think about them. At the end of the night, he considers his relationship with the Initiative to be one of love-hate; they all need each other to be successful, so he supposes he doesn't mind keeping the members in tip-top shape in return for a roof over his head. So long as he can continue his work in some fashion, it's pretty easy to keep him content.

Besides the fact that his views don't really clash either. He believes the hemospectrum is a load of garbage, as there's just as many incompetent highbloods out there as there are incompetent lowbloods. What? He's really in the middle of society because he's green? The only reason seadwellers have any foothold in society is because they have that damn horrorterror in the ocean, not because they're capable at leading society.

Muerte is smart, there's no denying that. He's well read, has an impressive vocabulary, and has a very extensive knowledge of medical and related robotic procedures. Even with things that he doesn't have a firm grasp on, he tends to catch onto very easily. His quick wit is a very valuable skill that he considers his greatest asset.

Muerte is good at quickly picking apart situations to figure out the quickest, easiest, and most efficient ways for dealing with them. Running things by Muerte is like running them by a computer, which is good if you need an opinion that isn't clouded by emotion. In fact, his opinion is probably going to be driest and unbiased as you can get, so long as he isn't involved in the mix somehow.

Muerte wants to be the best in his craft, and he's relentless about achieving that. He requires no motivation from outside forces to work hard, stay focus, and get things done when it comes to his research. He doesn't really experience burn out, and he's always more than on top of his job around the Outpost.

Muerte is just rude. He doesn't think much about what he says and has a very acerbic tongue. Even when he's not trying to be, his responses tend to be short and sarcastic, and it gets him in trouble more times than not.

Muerte's love for his work does come at a steep price, and that's namely his health. He may not experience any sort of mental burn out, but the physical strain is real. It's not uncommon for him to work himself sick when left unchecked, pass out at his desk without proper sopor slime, forget to eat, etc. Half the time he doesn't realize that taking care of his own needs saves him more time than dealing with the consequences!

Muerte is very ignorant to the social and emotional needs of the trolls around him, not necessarily out of malice, but because it's just never something he stops to consider. Emotions tend to get in the way of being efficient, and sweeps of ignoring his own emotional needs means he's not really the best at understanding the feelings of other trolls. Their anger, sadness and frustrations usually just make him frustrated too, because emotions aren't something he can conjure quick solutions for. They're unpredictable. They work against your brain. He's bad at them.

WEAPON: bonesaw


Muerte now finds refuge in the Salamire Outpost, due to his status as a criminal and his connection with the rebellion. His hive is technically two hives connected into one, though he only officially occupies what is essentially "the upper levels". It has all the basic rooms one would need, with most of the space allocated to a large laboratory for him to conduct experiments, administer first aid, tinker with machines, etc.

Muerte's lusus is 1000000% dead.