
Dunno man, that's the charm of it I suppose? Come to think of it, I was one of those morons who watched Dragonball Evolution and actually enjoyed it. lol The original Kira sure is handsome, suave, well-bred and such, but a lot of regular folk who aren't into anime probably wouldn't be able to relate to him. They probably may have an easier time relating to an outcast who's probably got an okay heart, but hates the world for how it's treated him and people like him... and then he slowly turns crazy?

Very confused about Misa and L though, but they sure are different enough to pique an interest. It's like... going to an anime con and trying to figure out who is who, and then going "OH. I get it. Yeah, you're Misa!" Could guess the cheerleader was Misa, but maaaan L sure was different lol. And no, it didn't seem like the trick he used to get Kira to come out. That's definitely their version of L all the way. Maybe the Misa in this live action show would be queen bee, kinda like how anime Misa was an idol. Here's to hoping. lol

Hey come on emotion_0A0 I love Goku. Would like him to shut up, but certainly not get shot

All of them are different. I might watch one ep of it see how it is, but not having high hopes now that I seen the trailer. Ryuk looks good though from what I seen of him.

Eh, the rock monkey can take it, if you think about it, he's out lived his current party by X number of years, he was back 'with them' before the group was reincarnated into this current group.