Tili had been staying near the water for sometime following the sand. She was a powerful seer, although the headaches and vision no longer came, but in her youth she was told by her sight to find the sand and she had. Never had Tilifika felt more free, she was usually a stern and no nonsense lioness, but the sand and the waves made her feel peaceful and the burden of her headaches seemed far away. She sat paws in the sand looking out at the water a sliver of moonlight glistening off of the waters.

Maybe it was the smell in the air that kept her or maybe it was the lion who had been visiting her for long talks.

Aten had strayed a little further than the Bahari'moto lands actually consisted of when he met her. He hadn't felt the flame of love in his heart in sometime, he'd come to these lands for love, fallen in love with a princess, and then they were all gone. The leadership had changed new days come and gone, new allies and new members. But he was still here, surviving flood and the loss of his loves.

He didn't want to get his hopes up, but he felt that small spark, that kindling of love for her. He'd been walking to meet her when he was off duty. She wasn't a threat and he knew that, but he wasn't sure if she'd actually join the Bahari either.

"Tili," he spoke softly as he approached her, "How are you?"

He hadn't come to see her in a few days but she had sensed he would be back. Tili had not known love except that from an old woman who found her on death's door as a cub and nursed her. She'd never felt the flicker of love for another outside of the old woman, but he...was different. He made her feel young and made her feel beautiful. She wanted to stay with him but feared rejection if she asked, she'd never had a land to call her own. She would have stayed with Tetemeko years ago, but it was painful to see a happy family that she did not share memories with.

"Aten," she did not take her eyes from the water, "I am well. The air here is so wonderful. You haven't been to see me, I thought you didn't want to see me anymore." She meant her words playfully, but she had feared he wasn't coming back, yet again she'd been left behind.

"I feel..and forgive me for being so forward for such an old man, that I can't help myself from coming back to you." He said it casually but felt as if the skin beneath his fur was on fire. "I have not felt this way in a long time, Tili. Even though we've only spoken, I feel as if I could spend the rest of my life with you. " He sat next to her quietly then waiting to hear her response, and with a small glimmer of hope that she'd return his affection.

She physically started, startled by his words. He wanted her? He didn't say he just wanted to leave and that he'd disappear..or that he didn't want anything to do with her. She'd felt rejected and unwanted her entire life.

"Aten, for being as old as I am, I've never had anyone but myself. I don't know if it's just the sand and the sea, like I'm on vacation from all of my heartache. But, I'd like that. I'd like to stay with you..but will your pride allow that?"

Aten had a habit of waiting and holding his breath, he hadn't realized it but he felt just like he had when the first king had accepted him into the Bahari. He exhaled and his gaze feel to her feet were a few small shells sat, she'd obviously been collecting and that made him smile.

"From our talks you know that we are a very peaceful pride and those that come with peace and a love of the sea are always welcome. We can ask and they will say yes." he looked up to her, "Tilifika, in our talks we have spoken of how many families have been here and left, how much love I've felt and people leave. I feel that your visions of sand were to come see me." He was feeling bold now.

"I have always been left behind or lost and so have you. Perhaps for once we can stay together. I will never leave the sea, and as long as you wont either we are home."

She listened to him speak and felt some of her long held fears melt away. She was still going to always be a cautious lioness, but he put a part of her soul at ease. She'd found home, found the sand, and now the sea.

Tili slid her body up against his and inhaled the scent of him. He always smelled of the sea and of scrub grasses. "Then we are home. In the morning will you bring me into your pride."

Both lions did not know they feared the same things, but their talks and getting to know one another in the darkness by the waves helped to ease the sadness within them both.

"In the morning, of course." he smiled and leaned into her body as well, "for now, show me the shells you've found and we'll talk." He would forever be grateful for the sea and what it could bring. But today, the sand brought him something, a new love, a new hope for life. Going through the motions to protect his pride had been enough, or so he thought, until he had met her.

"Oh they're just little things, I keep finding them in the little tide pools here. She looked into his eyes. "Do you really want to speak of shells, now? Now, that we've said everything but I love you?"
She shoved easily with her shoulder pushing him over into the shallow water, he wasn't resisting and hadn't seen her playfullness coming.

"Well...then I love you. Now could you show me the shells?" he laughed playfully as he fell into the ocean.

"And I love you too."