And now, what you've all been waiting for...

You'd think that Pae would learn to expect this sort of thing from Venus' parties. Everything else might be unexpected and unpredictable, but it seems that no matter what else happens there, an Isle-wide baby boom seems always to follow.

This year would be no exception.

Following the party, a number of Pae'il would find themselves expecting...and a season later, would give birth to adorable little blessings of life. But then, in some cases, a new mystery emerged as well...

Whose kids were these?

It was kind of a wild party...

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Guess the Parents Game Rules

  • Time to figure out where all these little baby Pae came from! Some might be obvious, some...not so much. It's up to you all to help clear up the confusion!
  • Each baby is identified with an ID number. Players will submit their guesses for the parents of each Pae'il using these ID numbers.
  • Please submit all guesses to Guardian_Iris in a PM titled "Guess the Parents Entry". You may only submit ONE entry, so make it count! No subsequent entries for changes will be counted.
  • All guesses must be submitted by Wednesday, March 12, 2014 @ 11:59 PM EST. Late entries will not be accepted.
  • Guesses will be scored as follows: For each baby, 2 points are possible, 1 point for each parent guessed correctly. If only one parent is correct, player gets one point. If they get both parents, they get two possible points. If neither are correct, then no points for that baby.
  • At the end, there's a very special prize for the player who gets the most points from this game. It might take some effort and may prove who really knows their Pae.
  • Please do not harrass staff for 'hints' or 'clues.' Really...just don't.