2013 Summer Solstice Faerie Free Raffle!

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This special Faerie has appeared on Telrunya in honor of the Summer Solstice. What better way to celebrate the longest day of the year than with a free raffle for a pretty Faerie Pae'il! Her concept is Summer Solstice and she comes with the ability Summer Manipulation. This means that wherever she goes, she can create small spheres of Summer weather. (She can make it warm, sunny and create a small "growing season" for individual-sized gardens.) She can also create small rain clouds to aid in the summer spheres she makes to help with gardens. The unfortunate weakness to this power is that wherever she steps, it's summer, so she will never know what Winter feels like. The range of her abilities is approximately 10 square meters, and has the potential to grow as she is RP'd and powers up.

She comes with a Maypole-themed staff with ribbons, a rose-etched golden orb, and a brass sun charm.

RP Note: Even though she comes with a power, if you intend on RPing her, please register this concept and her powers in the Faerie Pae'il Powers thread. When you register her concept, you can choose her secondary power as long as it relates to her concept of Summer Solstice.

To Claim A Ticket:
[align=center][size=18][color=darkorange][b] Happy First Day of Summer![/b][/color][/size][/align]

:[ Rules ]:
  1. Everyone may claim ONE ticket by posting the above listed code.
  2. You may not give the pae away if you win.
  3. Please do not claim a ticket if you do not want the pae or if you have no intention of ever showing up at the shop ever again.
  4. No proxies or claiming for other people.
  5. If you win, please PM a name to Antidia. If no name is given within 24 hours, a new winner will be drawn.
  6. Poke in before the end of the raffle to ensure your name is included on the list.
  7. If any of the rules are unclear, please ask!

We close the raffle at 9PM EST June 22nd, 2013. The Drawing will follow.


  1. Antidia
  2. Dementia Requiem Asumi
  3. Wolfs Heart
  4. Twitchapher the 3rd
  5. Teigra
  6. shadica
  7. Menelie
  8. StarshineAngel01
  9. o0_Daisuke_0o
  10. Strawberri Stardust
  11. Hoshi Lockhart
  12. Seruta
  13. Fea Line
  14. CitrusCupcake
  15. Kira of Flames
  16. Shicala
  17. bluegeam
  18. Seiana_ZI
  19. Tartara Seabreeze
  20. sailornorthstar - winner
  21. DaemonGabrielle
  22. Sinbari
  23. Oziandra
  24. Amasis