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2013 Year of the Black Water Snake Free Raffle!

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This special Demon Pae'il was made up special to celebrate the Chinese New Year. 2013 is the year of the Water Snake, and what better way to celebrate then by winning this beautiful black water snake inspired Demon!
For Role-Players, she will come with a power already. Being the Black Snake, a fire element in a year of water, she's likely to feel like a fish out of water somedays. She has a water moccassin Wild Soul, which means she has the ability to shapeshift into a large black snake and go in the water as if it's her natural element, just like a Naiad. Along with being able shifting into a snake, her bite will also be venomous.

To Claim A Ticket:
[align=center][size=18][color=darkblue][b] I'm feeling lucky in 2013! [/b][/color][/size][/align]

:[ Rules ]:
  1. Everyone may claim ONE ticket by posting the above listed code.
  2. You may not give the pae away if you win.
  3. Please do not claim a ticket if you do not want the pae or if you have no intention of ever showing up at the shop ever again.
  4. No proxies or claiming for other people.
  5. If you win, please PM a name to Antidia. If no name is given within 24 hours, a new winner will be drawn.
  6. If any of the rules are unclear, please ask!

We close the raffle at 11:59 EST February 10th, 2013, the Lunar New Year. The Drawing will follow.


  1. Antidia
  2. Menelie
  3. Dementia Requiem Asumi
  4. Teigra
  5. o0_Daisuke_0o
  6. Twitchapher the 3rd
  7. Wolfs Heart
  8. Nafretiti
  9. Fea Line
  10. Strawberri Stardust
  11. Bloody Hell Hound
  12. DaemonGabrielle
  13. Sailornorthstar
  14. Shicala
  15. TrigunKittie
  16. Tygress Dream
  17. Mizu_Taji
  18. HelMel
  19. Kira of Flames
  20. Draka Lucian
  21. LP
  22. Seiana_ZI
  23. Chibi_Kokoro143