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We Went to the Animal Fair (Wildlife Hatching Feast)

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Irregular Puppy

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 2:38 pm
It was certainly an event worth celebrating. The largest green-born clutch to be born to date, and the first time a green had clutched a second time. The lack of complications with the eggs, and Lithustoth's good health were all promising signs. In comparison to some other clutches born from greens, this newest batch of hatchlings had been relatively unusual. None of the hatchlings had been born with anything outlandish. Just a few strange colours, and those were rapidly becoming the norm. All in all the Weyr was in high spirits as the hatching cavern emptied out. There would be a few hours of peace. Most wingleaders would call off drills and the majority of hands would be put to preparing for the hatching feast come the evening.

The warm summer weather put many in good spirits, and provided plenty of light for setting up the bowl. Tents were erected, fire pits stoked, merchants and families fetched for celebration. A stage was set up for harpers, and a large dance space cleared. Even before the celebration had officially begun, revellers were gathering in the bowl. Cavern workers attempted to shoo the eager away from the feasting tables as they were slowly filled with a variety of dishes. Every manner of taste was accounted for, huge roast herdbeasts, plates of fresh bread, trays of vegetables, deep pots of soups and stews, platters of desserts. Fort certainly thrived by being the only Weyr in the North, and there was no chance any resident or guest would go hungry tonight.

It was late afternoon when the Weyrlings were finally summoned to the bowl. They had been given several candlemarks to prepare. Their dragons fed, oiled, rested, and fed again. Time even enough for those that were inclined to prepare themselves for presentation to the Weyr. The stage was set to welcome the newest class and the assorted guests to the celebration.

W'dol took to the harper stage and gradually the crowd fell silent. The older man cleared his throat. "Welcome everyone, to our celebration of Lithustoth's latest clutch. She had done Fort Weyr proud and brought another eleven strong dragons to our number." The Weyrleader paused so that those that felt the need could get the cheering out of their system. "Weyrlings, we welcome you into the ranks of dragonriders. You joined the privileged few who know the heart of a dragon. Who know that indescribable bond. Enjoy yourselves, for tonight belongs to you. And tomorrow the real work begins." W'dol raised a cup in the direction of the gathered Weyrlings, while the crowd erupted with voices both human and dragon. Now the feast could get underway.  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 8:12 am

The red dress really didn't help, in her opinion, nor did the matching ribbon in her hair. But still, Avali knew that she had to try, at least tonight, to look "presentable". This feast was being held in their honor, herself and the others who had Impressed. Her parents and sisters would be here somewhere, so not showing up was not an option.

Shells, and she really would have preferred to stay with Lowrenth!

Just thinking of the bright green brought a soft smile to her lips. The hatchling had feasted twice already today, including happily snapping up any morsel that had been abandoned by the others. Even she had to admit that, while Lowrenth might not be the neatest eater (proven by the fact that she'd needed to be washed afterwards both times), there was certainly no risk of food going to waste with her around!

Her good mood vanished when she spotted her family at one of the tables. The looks on her sisters' faces... Oh shells! She wondered if she might be able to avoid going over there for a while...



Gwyn didn't think she'd smiled as much in the last Turn as she had today. Even now, as she stood amongst the others in an amber gown, there was a small, lopsided smile teasing the corner of her mouth.

The best dragon on the Sands, and she had chosen Gwyn.

As she listened to the welcome speech, she snorted slightly. The real work didn't start tomorrow... it started the moment that she'd Impressed! Idiot! Tomorrow, classes were added to the schedule, but feeding, bathing, and oiling a growing dragon was certainly work already! Important work, at that, so each dragon would be happy and healthy, and grow to be an asset to the Weyr.

Her stomach rumbled as they were finally released, and she made her way towards the food.  


Blessed Mage


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 11:06 am
Standing here for a second time, receiving weyrling knots for a second time, feeling a bond again; it was overwhelming and Lunathor found himself mute as he pinned the green cord into place. Everything was so bright, so beautiful, but it was so much that he felt giddy with it all. Looking around at some of the wonderful outfits other people had on made him briefly regret how drab his own clothes were, but the brown and cream ensemble was the only vaguely smart attire he had left. It didn't really matter though, the only thing that mattered was the small green who stood pressed close against his leg.

Shall we say hello to the others and get you some food? You really do need feeding up. Musculuth crooned softly and blinked up at Lunathor with beautiful blue eyes, almost knocking him flat with another pulse of love and devotion.

"Um, yeah, right." Lunathor nodded and wondered distantly what he was going to call himself now, he couldn't use the honorific he'd had before that was for sure. Shaking his head slightly as if to clear it he drifted over towards the food tables and gave a smile to his two fellow greenriders who were already there. "Um, hi, congratulations, your dragons are beautiful. What are their names? This is Musculuth." They might already have gathered that but introducing her was polite all the same.

For her part Musculuth warbled a greeting to her sisters and sent them both a feeling of warmth and affection, it was wonderful to see everyone so well matched.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 11:29 pm
Falxath had finally calmed down enough to fall into a deep sleep, and Lianly was more then tempted to lay down next to the green to nap herself. Far too much excitement for one day, but if today was any indication of things to come this hatchling would be keeping her rider on her toes for quite some time. If she hadn't known better she would have felt guilty for the tears Falxath's claws had made in the white robes, Lianly had only a few short moments to recover from the reeling mental assault the dragon had given her mind before making the leap into her arms. The embrace had been short lived, while she was a strong girl trained for field work the wriggling green was ultimately too much as her knees buckled and both found themselves tumbling on to the sands.

It had been her fourth time standing as a Candidate, and if today had been unsuccessful she had considered asking to return home. She was getting too old anyway, maybe salvage her lost year of apprenticeship if they would let her. Even if she knew she might be deemed a disgrace or failure by conceited family and 'friends'. She had been deemed worthy, she had tried, but ultimately she had succeeded.

The good dress she had brought with her from Nerat, one of only 3 she had owned, was now too tight in the chest to wear. It had been so long she had not realised how much she had grown. Knowing the others would be trying to look their best, she instead had to settle for the nicest (and cleanest) clothes she could find. The deep golden yellow shirt brought a tear to her eye, but it seemed fitting to wear the colours of the life she was leaving as she stepped into the new.

Leaving her blue firelizard to watch the sleeping Falxath to make sure she would stay asleep, Lianly left to join the festivities. She hadn't really tried to make any friends among the Candidates, hadn't really felt the need to anymore, so filling her own belly seemed a good distraction. It hadn't been long until Keloc had appeared on her shoulder trying to snatch food off her fork. There was more then enough to share, it wasn't until the plate was empty did she realise she had practically fed it all to the blue who was stuffed to bursting but content. Just have to get some more...  


Darling Prophet

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Irregular Puppy

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 3:54 pm
When someone keeps as on top of their grooming as Telleara does, getting ready for a fancy occasion is relatively easy. The young woman had already picked her outfit for the hatching feast before the Touching. The outcome was certainly not what had been in mind when the outfit was being chosen, but it didn't take much effort to adapt. The long, deep blue, gown was clearly expensive. Telleara had never gotten on board with that whole 'All candidates are equal' idea. There was no way that Telleara was going to wear clothes made by some second-rate apprentice. For the most part as long as she wasn't overly flamboyant about it, there wasn't much of a problem.

The deep colour of the gown set off her pale skin and blonde hair exactly as she intended. Her hair had been washed, brushed, and styled into an elaborate collection of braids, all further interwoven. It had been a pain learning to do her own hair, and it wasn't as intricate as one of the handmaidens would do for her at home, but one does what one must. Telleara was still confident that she was by far the best dressed of the newly impressed, and a fair more few attendants besides. Antolith, oiled until he shone, confidently agreed as he strode alongside his rider. The bronze walked with his head high and his chest out proudly. Resting on his shoulders was an equally proud looking firelizard, the dark gold had been purring almost constantly since her Lady had impressed. Quartz was thrilled at their new handsome family member. Clay was also fond of their newest addition, although not as besotted as his younger sister. He had instead elected to perch on his Lady's shoulder, tail gently looped around her neck.

Spying those he recognised Antolith have a rumbling croon. Whirling sapphire eyes met those of his rider. Telleara smiled gently and nodded, an unspoken conversation passing between the two as their direction changed. The bronze approached the group with a distinct bounce to his step, humming a happy greeting, as he gently pressed his nose to Musculuth's shoulder.

"Afternoon all," Telleara said, smiling pleasantly at the gathered weyrlings. Avali she remembered, but the others she couldn't say she knew. Although something about the gaunt young man looked familiar. It wasn't particularly important to her whether she knew them before, it benefited her to be in at least civil standing with her fellow weyrlings. "Quite the celebration, isn't it?" Especially considering the short notice. Antolith looked up at the gathered humans. A flicker of yellow danced through his eyes as he looked at Lunathor, gaze darting between him and Gwyn, fading memories of blood and rage drifting through his mind.


Ostarath had run herself to exhaustion. Darting through the barracks like a bolt of lightening. The green had kept going until her eyes were heavy. Falling asleep mid-sentence in the middle of the weyrling barrack. Once she was done the green had gone down hard, not stirring as K'lir had scooped her up and carried her back to the wallow that seemed far too big for her. The young man had been assured she would grow into it, but for now he struggled to envision the sprawled out green hatchling as a full sized dragon. It had only been a few candlemarks, and yet it felt like he and Ostarath had been together all of his life, not just all of hers.

With the new love of his life deeply sleeping in her wallow, K'lir was free to attend the feast. It was a bit nerve-wracking, the idea of leaving Ostarath's side. As though if he let the green out of his sight she would vanish. Most likely darting off out of sight. Even as he dressed, choosing a simple and comfortable trouser and tunic outfit, the new dragonrider reached out to the green. Each time he found her as deeply asleep as the first time. There were only so many things he could use to procrastinate and keep him inside the barracks.

Once amongst the revellers K'lir still found himself reaching out for Ostarath. He needed to find something to distract himself until she woke up again, or he'd spend all night checking in. Spying a member of the class he walked over to Lianly with a welcoming smile. "That looks like a happy 'lizard," he said brightly, pointing at the blue. K'lir had never sought out a firelizard for himself, but they seemed fun to the people who had them.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 12:20 am
Keloc gave a happy little shrill, happy at the attention, before burping rather loudly. "Though he seems to have left his manners somewhere." Lianly carefully plucked him off her shoulder to cradle him in her arms, will save the shirt from claw holes should he get sleepy from a full belly. As far as general lizard behavior went, the blue could be behaving much worse with all the noise, food, and sheer numbers. Maybe it was the presence of dragons, but she hadn't seen that many food thefts or squabbles since she had come to the Weyr. Maybe it was the lack of wild fairs and stricter handling.

Lianly felt like she sort of remembered who this man was, between lessons and chores they were at least passing acquaintances. She was taller then most Candidates even though a large number of were older then her seventeen Turns. He had Impressed as well, she had seen him herding a green into the barracks but her attention had been too centered on Falxath to really stop and talk. They would be spending a lot more time together, best to start making friends now. "Your name is Kir- ... oh! I guess it's something different now, right?"



Darling Prophet

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Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 12:42 pm
We're late, dear.

Cervath chided Siv lightly as the pair entered the feast slowly, Siv walking with a surprisingly stiff git of one most uncomfortable in thje clothing theyu were in. Although Cervath merely needed oiled well, Siv needed to actually change from robes after locating their new buk, opting for a dark ctranberry to rust red buitton up top with copper colored trim and embroidered flourisges, matching pants, and a smaryt pair of leather boots that tucked under the pant leg, old and worn brass cufflinks -- plainly made at home on a farm for sport -- finishing the look. Not a bit of it was particularly made from expensive materials, but it still sdomehow looked decent. It was also clearly tailored for someone taller than Siv by a couple inches, and the woman recieved it as a hand me down, and the fact she rarely dressed up was evidenced by her characteristic shaggy, shoulder length hair. Cervath looked utterly frazzled at his rider.

Look. Cervathlove, dressing up isn't exactly... Common, I had to remember how Dad told me to put this getup on.
Looking nice doesn't hurt though.[/i[p/color[

pi[No, but I'm accepted as 'poor farm folk' and so I can only wear what we can afford. In my case, hand me downs.
Siv stroked the bronze lovingly before stretching as her companion followed, the woman rteaching for some food and a plate befre settling to observe -- or trying anyhow, before beginning to follow Cervath about as he began seeking his siblings. After all, the male was most certainly not content hiding incorners awkwardly because they didn't know how to formal event and His was going to learn!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 1:15 pm

The blue's enthusiastic response made K'lir chuckle, and the burp helped too. Some might find it kind of gross, but it was a firelizard, they couldn't be expected to know better. "Ah well, it's a special occasion." He'd be hopeless with a firelizard, the young man suspected. He'd probably let Keloc get away with anything if he was cute enough.

"Yeah, I shortened it to K'lir. Kirilan before." It was the done thing for male riders to change their names when they impressed. He hadn't had many options. Being relatively new to the Weyr K'lir hadn't had much time to think about it. It seemed his default options were K'ril or K'lan and he hadn't much liked either. The Candidatemaster had helped him shuffle things around until a name had emerged that he could see going by for the rest of his life. "Are you going to change yours?" Some women did. He'd heard that traditionally it had been the done thing in Fort, but since all the other Weyrs moved in, far from all riders had elided names now. He could have kept it the same, but K'lir wasn't a big fan of bucking trends if he could avoid it.  


Irregular Puppy

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Wylde Roses

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 1:47 pm
N'tan would much prefer lingering in the barracks with Meleth, both in part because he was still in awe of her (and that she's his, wondrous creature that she is) and because his opinion of celebratory feasts was none too different than his dragon's, who had been rather put-upon by all of the fuss. 'This sounds like a lot of bother, and I want nothing to do with it,' she had said, and it had taken coaxing from her rider to convince her to go along with him. Mostly because he couldn't leave her alone while she was alert (and didn't want to, besides), but also because he knew himself well enough to know that having her there would make the experience a little more bearable.

So here he was, dressed in his best clothes --- clothes that weren't quite as nice as some of the other new weyrlings wore, but that were clean and high quality. He never saw a reason to be flashy, and didn't think there was any reason to go about changing that now. Still, they were certainly acceptable for the Feast, and that was all N'tan cared for. He was certain more eyes would be on Meleth than him, anyway; after all, even though she was a green, the black stripes on her face were nearly as eye-catching as the spots her sister bore 'Not too eye-catching, I hope,' the infant dragon grumbled, pressing close to her rider's legs with a grumbled complaint. 'Let them stare at someone else. I don't want their attention.' She wanted the barracks, the nice wallow she had napped in earlier, and the world to start situating itself into a nice, quiet order.

N'tan wanted that too, in truth, but it would come in time. "They'll not stare for long, and we don't have to press too far into the mess of it all," he murmured to Meleth, making his way to the tables with food in mind rather than conversation, despite the other weyrlings already gathered about them. 'I still think it's a lot of silly nonsense,' Meleth complained as they walked, but it was softened by the croon she made as she looked up at her rider. She was here for him, and none of the rest of it really mattered.  
PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 8:12 pm

Kirilan, that was right! Lianly smiled, happy to know she had been close or at least had the right person in mind. Well, K'lir now. It was a nice sounding Rider name, a good choice. "K'lir, I like it! It suits you. I'm Lianly, my dragon is green Falxath, and this is Keloc," who chirped as much at the sound of his name as being gently jostled on her arm.

Her smile changed to a look of confusion then deep thought when he asked about giving herself a shortened name. "I never really thought of it..." There was less pressure for female riders to follow the tradition, though it was getting more popular. She had heard more women were Impressing the larger bronzes and browns that traditionally preferred males, and their Weyrling class was proof of that, which might explain the changing views. Lianly ultimately shook her head, "No, I don't think I will. Sound too close to nicknames; Lian or Lily." Both names sparked different memories and feelings, but neither she perticularly preffered.

Not far off their fellow Weyrlings seemed to be getting along nicely, it made her hopeful that they were going to be a close class. Some were accompanied by their dragon partners, which in a way Lianly envied slightly but also worried. They had been told that, much like all babies, young dragons for the first weeks wouldn't do much more then sleep, eat and wear themselves out to sleep again. "Do you think we might have to help carry them back to the barracks?" Pointing at the green and bronze dragonets.  


Darling Prophet

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