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Name: Diacca Tettix
Die-ah-kuh Teh-ticks

Blood colour: #5D7E1C, greenblood

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Gender: Non-binary, they/them pronouns

Diacca doesn't understand gender and they don't ever want to. They've met plenty of troll boys that were just as hot-headed as troll girls and plenty of troll girls more mellow than guys, so what gives? It doesn't matter to them how another troll chooses to address them. Occasionally they have trouble discerning the gender of other trolls, and thus they usually say they in reference to everytroll unless corrected or they somehow pick it up in conversation.

Symbol: A stylized cicada

Pictured to the right in their blood color.


Diacca is learning how to play the electric harp guitar. They like bug lusi and adventuring. There's not a lot of scenarios they are unprepared for, as they like to lug around a large duffelbag containing different survival gear. Usually, Cadalilly will carry it around on their back while they crawl after their troll-child; but it falls off should they choose to fly.

Diacca enjoys being out in nature; swimming in the lake, climbing trees, hiking, camping, rock-climbing,

who is your troll? what are they like? how do they think? give their basic personality with an explanation of any thoughts and beliefs that are outside of the social norm. along with this, please include a few hobbies, any goals they have, their views on basic troll life (the hemospectrum and their own place in it) and where they can usually be found on any given night. remember to touch on the strengths and weaknesses that you will elaborate in the sections below, as well as on their relationship with their lusus.

this should be written for your troll's child stage(6-10yrs), rather than containing anything that might happen to them in the future. teen(11-16yrs)/adult(17+yrs) changes and growth can be submitted as an edited profile later on in their life, if or when things change.

Strengths: Genuine

Diacca is an honest individual with a pump-biscuit that has a tendency to beat in time with those around them. If they make a promise, they don't break it. If they hurt someone unintentionally, they apologize. They are always doing their best to understand other trolls, and to accept each and every one.


Diacca can just about get any troll to like them, if you give them enough of a chance. They are kind and passionate. Charming, in a awkward sort of way. Though they are naturally soft-spoken, they do have a lot of things to say. They like to trade knowledge and stories.


flexible, cooperative, easily adjusts to new situations

Flaws: Anxious



Weapon: Bladekind

Diacca wields a serrated blade, usually for stuff like peeling fruit or cutting away branches. They've quickly come to see the weapon as quite handy and they generally keep it on them at all times. They're also never without rope, or some other form of adventuring gear.

Appearance: Parted black hair, somewhat longer at the front than it is in the back.

what does your troll look like? what hairstyle do they have? clothing/style? feel free to use photo/image references. if you want to design their outfit, please focus on kid stage, and keep it simple. troll outfits only get elaborate once they're adults. remember! trolls have black hair, orange horns, grey skin, and tend to have outfits that are mostly grey and black.

Home: Four Fronds

where has your troll chosen to build their first house? locations currently available: forest, city, suburb, desert, mountain, lakeside, plains, beach, cave, swamp, ocean and lake (ocean and lake available to aquatic trolls only). please check the troll info mega-thread in the information subforum for a more in-depth explanation on where you are placing your troll! what does their house look like? what is their aesthetic?

Lusus: Cadalilly

what strange creature has taken your troll under their wing? maybe something that your troll might have picked up habits from? how do the two get along, and how has this creature chosen to raise it's charge? if you are uncertain of what to do for a lusus, check out the lusus information thread. as a kid, your lusus will accompany your troll on all trips away from home or, depending on it's temperament, bar your troll from straying too far from it's hive. while your troll will have the freedom to go where they like as a teen, as a child you lusus will always try and accompany you! a troll's lusus must be capable of defending them from the dangers found on alternia when they are a child.