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Tags: magical, realism, roleplay 

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[PRP] Basic Bitches [Juniper/Marcus]

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Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:24 pm
It was finally October and Juniper was relishing the season. It was her favorite time of year, really. The colored leaves, crisp weather, pumpkins, Halloween, festivals, and...well she could go on and on about why autumn was the best season. So, with the coming of the spooky month Juniper had been intending to visit a festival that she had seen advertised for about a month now on a board at the local grocery store. A Pumpkin Festival to be precise, and it seemed like the perfect way to kick off October. She may not have much, if any, money to spend but she could enjoy the atmosphere anyway. It was just soul soothing to be out and about.

So, as intended, Juniper had hitched a bus ride out to the outskirts of the town where the festival was being held. She had to hoof it about a mile from the bus stop, but it didn’t bother her. She was all set with a light hoodie and jeans on. This was the time of year, of course, that she traded in her boho style for warm and comfy. It was hoodie weather, plain and simple, and Juniper wanted to indulge in it.

The festival was quite busy. Considering that most people were off on the weekend it was to be expected, but even at 5pm the place seemed to just be coming alive as lights began to flicker on to ward off the coming night. Juniper grinned as she meandered through the walk-ways. There was so much to see and smell. Her mouth was practically watering at all of the food stands she was seeing. “Damn. If only I could buy food here tonight.” She mused aloud as she passed a stand selling pumpkin funnel cakes drizzled with icing.

She was so enamoured by the stand that she didn’t pay attention to where she was going and ran smack dab into someone. “Oh, I am sorry!” She said as she snapped out of her daze to look up at the man whom she had run into. “I wasn’t paying attention.”

total: 350
PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 8:07 pm
Stepping out of his car, Marcus was almost reluctant to abandon the comforting warmth of heated seats and circulating air. Fall had kicked in, and the chill was like a snap. Refreshing in a way but none the less cold and making one be a little more awake than you anticipated. Not good in the best of senses, but hardly bad. Sort of like an overly strong mint. But, all good things had to end, and Marcus had driven himself out of the main town for very specific reasons. It wasn't everyday he bothered to rick his car exploding or someone tracking him using the on board GPS, (which to be fair was exceptionally helpful when he had to go to a new building site).

No, Marcus had come to stock up on pumpkins. And pumpkin products. It was a very good gourd for many reasons, but his were pretty basic. It tasted good and could be mixed with so many different things and provide him with cheap healthy meals for weeks. Provided he didn't make breads and other sugary delights as he was often prone to crave.
A pair of old jeans, his work boots, a button down shirt with his wool coat, (perhaps not the best coat for going to a place that might be muddy with the cool moist air), plus a scarf that was covered in a very nice swirl pattern and Marcus thought himself ready for his own personal harvest. He was gonna get as many prime pumpkins as he could and pray that he didn't run out of deep storage.

The festival was coming to life, and even from his car the aroma of fall was heavy in the air in all the right ways. Sweet. savory, spicey and crisp. The kind of smell that if he could bottle he would and if he was lucky find it as just that. Perfume wasn't just for women after all.

Walking down the paths as they began to illuminate, Marcus dug his hands into his coat pockets for a while, fiddling with his phone, savoring the feeling of the cool air against his face along with the smells. He liked things like this. Small, simple pleasures in life. These were the moments that made everything else seem a world away, (which technically some problems were just that, an entirely real world away).

As he walked, he didn't think that maybe, just maybe, he should have moved to the side to check his phone. That him being a log in the path might have been a bit rude or foolish. Still he did it, earning him a stumble as someone ran into him. A yelp of surprise and one small trip he righted himself quickly enough looking back to find himself face to face with a young woman. He blushed, pocketing his phone and beginning a string of apologies.
"No, no, I'm sorry, I just stopped walking. You alright? Didn't drop anything did you?" A quick glance to the ground answered his own question before he kept going.
"I really am sorry. Was a bit lost in my thoughts... and my phone."





Trash Husband


Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:38 am
Juniper hadn’t expected the man to apologize to her considering she’d been the one to run into him. It caused her to stand there stunned for a moment before a smile and a laugh broke her reaction. “It’s alright. How about we both take claim to not paying attention to what we were doing.” She held her hands up, palms facing the man. “No harm done, right?”

“The least I could do is introduce myself after our collision. I am Juniper Wilcox.” She said in greeting, extending her right hand out to him. “I let myself get a bit caught up with all the wonderful food around here. I hadn’t expected there to be so much pumpkin things and I am a bit overwhelmed. I very much fit the mold of ‘basic white girl’ when it comes to my love of pumpkin spiced things.” She shrugged, popping both of her hands into her hoodie pocket after shaking hands with the man.

“I actually should be a good girl though and just get a hot apple cider or something.” The cooling air was beginning to get brisk with the setting sun and a hot drink would be the perfect thing to warm up both her hands and her tummy. “Have you seen a stand around that sells it? I’ve not had luck with that yet.”

wc: 226

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 5:30 pm
Little known fact: Marcus would apologize to a tree if he thought he hurt the tree's feelings. Point being the man was both easily guiltted, and believing that plants and animals were just as emotional as people and deserved a healthy amount of respect, (and suspicion for being a government drone). He had for a while fretted that the woman would scoff at him for being so clumsy, but shen she laughed, his worries vanished just as quickly and as easily as they had come. He wasn't going to dwell on it if she wasn't.

"Fair enough. I hate to admit that I do it quite so often but-" he tapped his head, "-I tend to lose focus and get lost among my own thoughts when I'm enjoying myself like this. I'd blame it on all the great scents in the air, but really, hunger is no excuse for absentmindedness." At her extended hand, Marcus gave her a quick glance before he grinned, taking it and planting a not subtle what so ever kiss to the back of her knuckles.
Because why not, at this point he had nothing to lose and hey, worst came to worst a stranger thought him odd. Wouldn't have been the first time it had occured by any means.
"A pleasure Miss Wilcox. Marcus LeCroix at your service. And hardly. Basic white girls are the caricature of ignorance. You're hardly ignorant if you can recognize an event like this one for what it is."

He let her hand drop not realizing he'd held it a bit too long. A sweeping motion to the stalls and Marcus drew in a deep breath, letting it out with happy sigh.
"This is a culinary lover's dream. Creativity meets nature meets healthy. Or, moderately health. Gourds might be fine, it's just the sugar content to watch out for." He laughed at his words if they might have been a joke. He really was just glad that he wasn't alone in how much he liked pumpkin based foods.

"Are you legal age to drink?" He asked uncertain. He'd been wrong before.
"If you are, there is a booth not far down that has a wonderfully brewed cider that they serve hot. Top it with fresh grated spices for an extra kick that I swear makes it all the better. They have a non alcoholic version, but it's not the same."





Trash Husband


Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:18 pm
She hadn’t been expecting it. The suggestive kiss that he placed on her hand. If she had been a more jumpy girl, or one who wasn’t into physical contact she may have cringed, pulled away, or even said something, but Juniper was not that sort of girl. Physical contact was a-okay in her book and she grinned at Marcus when he glanced up at her, letting her hand rest in his, as long as he held it, without complain.

“Hm. Such a fancy sounding name.” She teased good naturedly. “Well, I like to believe myself not of the ignorant sort, but many would categorize me as a basic white girl just for my love of all things pumpkin.” She shrugged lazily. “I’ll survive the stereotyping though because it’s bound to happen.”

As Marcus dropped her hand, she gently pulled it away to tuck into her hoodie pocket to keep it and the other, more neglected hand, warm. Laughing she glanced around at the many stands. “I would say that none of this can possibly be all that healthy for you considering most is probably fried, or as you mentioned, loaded with sugar. Not that I am complaining though. A little extra padding for the coming winter is never a terrible thing. Plus, I only get to indulge like this for a short period of time.” Well, indulge in her sense and not so much her taste buds according to her wallet, but she wasn’t going to bring up that bit of detail.

Eyes lit up at the mention of alcoholic drinks. That was something she rarely ever indulged in since it tended to be an expense she couldn’t handle. But a single drink couldn’t be too bad, right? “Sweet of you to think me possibly younger than I am, but I am definitely old enough to drink.” She gave him wink, not intending to divulge her actual age. Not that was really all that old. “And that sounds absolutely amazing! I didn’t realize there would be alcoholic drinks here! Care to lead the way good sir?” She walked up to his side and purposely slipped her arm around his so he could escort her to the said stand. “A good drink in fine company sounds like a great way to start the evening.”

wc: 383

flirty flirts!
PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 11:16 pm
He smiled and shook his head, a tiny shy laugh leaving him to her compliment. He didn't think his name was fancy in the slightest. It was just a name after all, and his wasn't even an uncommon one at that. If he'd had his mother's maiden name maybe then it would have been a different story. The sudden though had him mentally draw back. Somber thoughts not suited to this time nor place.

He'd come for pumpkins, not memories.

"If any dare call you such, I'll tell them you just have a sensitive palate. Pumpkin spice covers a number of things and a number of possible spice combos. You have every right to be indulgent on your favorites." Lord in heaven he knew he was. In fact, he was hoping that the little local bakery was making those apple pumpkin muffin crumbles they had last year. He had fallen for them and missed them terrible when the season ended.
The woman however took his casual flirting all in stride, which helped put him at ease. It was getting easier to socialize as of late, even if he still had nights where his mind would nag at him.

The lights in the area began to glow brighter as the last sunlight began to fade, and the smell of wood smoke began to mingle with the air of spice and baked goods. Little fire pits dotted the area, each one done to allow walkers a place to rest and stay warm, even in the weather. It was far to nice of a setting and- and-

She had looped an arm though his, taking him on the unspoken offer to show her where there were drinks. Oh no. Oh geeze.

Had he just gotten himself a date by accident again? His heart was pounding in his chest. No. This was just. A good time. Two people wanting to enjoy the festival and be cool. Chill as kids called it or something. Licking his lips as he tried to form words, Marcus was at a loss for a short while, just walking with her in silence until finally he found his voice again strained though it was.
"Old enough to drink, young enough to make a man curious." God that came out all wrong. He'd meant it as a compliment she probably thought that he thought of her as old or something. Shoot. Dang it. He needed to fix it, say something better gods above this wasn't a date they hadn't even-

This was exactly why Marcus dreaded social outings. He was sure about nothing.

"If your name is Juniper, does this mean you like gin best?" Small talk yeah, he could do that. Maybe. God why did he feel nervous all of the sudden?
"After we get drinks we could walk around to find some eats to go with." God help him he was trying to make it a date wasn't he?





Trash Husband


Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 6:18 pm
With the last fading sunlight, Juniper’s attention was pulled to the neon glow of signs affixed to food stands and games while the warm incandescent light beckoned for people to enter little tents that had been set up where people were selling seasonal fares. The sweet aroma of campfires, strategically placed around the festival could be smelt over the many foods that were being made, and it was glorious. It was the perfect picture of an early autumn evening and Juniper wanted to soak it all up. Especially since she now had found herself a rather handsome man to spend the evening with. Much better than going the festival alone.

At Marcus’s comment Juniper couldn’t help but laughing. It was such an odd thing to say, but it had been cute. “Well, we women like to keep that air of mystery about us while we can. We have need to make sure you guys stay on your toes at all times. We wouldn’t want to make things too easy.” Unlike poor Marcus, who was internally nervous about where the evening was going, Juniper was taking it all in stride. She’d be quite content if the evening turned into something more than just a casual friendly event, but wouldn’t be disheartened by it either. Though, the idea of possibly having someone to cuddle with, even if it was only against the cold of the evening while the enjoyed their drink, would be lovely.

“Gin?” She questioned, and made a face, shaking her head. “Yuck no. I’ve never been a fan of gin. I think the stuff is awful. I am actually more partial to Hard Ciders than anything else, but I don’t mind a good rum and coke or malibu bay breeze. I know, I know, the malibu bay breeze is the odd man out. But I like my sweet, fruity, girly drinks from time to time.” She tossed him a warm smile, letting herself lean against him a bit both to leech of the warmth from his body, but also because, well, she felt like it. “Food sounds lovely!” She commented as her mind instantly went to what she knew she had in her bank account. If she over indulged herself today it would be a few days of ramen for dinner, but...maybe it would be worth it.

She looked up at Marcus. Yep, worth it.

“I am sure we can find something good amongst all of this food. The tough part will be not caving in to all the sweets because the smell of that pumpkin funnel cake is divine.” She said, glancing over at the stand where a line was well formed for the specific desert. “Anyway, how about you?” She questioned, turning her attention back to him. “What sort of drinks do you prefer? Are you the Gin sort? Beer, perhaps?” She squinted at him playfully, as if she was trying to decipher what sort of drink he’d like via his looks. “Hm, I am thinking...whiskey?”

As they walked, and rounded a cluster of stands it became obvious where the stand was that had the alcoholic drinks. A small bar of sorts had been set up and a few chairs and tables were scattered around the stand. A line for the drinks was well underway but seemed to be moving at a fairly clipped pace with 3 people tending to the customers. “Seems we weren’t the only ones to think a good drink was in order tonight.” She teased.

wc: 586

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 8:14 pm
Neon lights, the crackling flames, darkness in the sky and a cold wind- all perfect elements of an autumn evening. All even more perfect elements for a date.

Marcus was feeling like his insides were going to come slipping out of him in a tumbling garbled mess. He just wanted to be normal, casual. Was he doing it right? Not being too forward? Coming off too strong? Was he walking too fast? Did he smell nice. He didn't remember if he brushed his teeth or not. Oh man, his socks didn't match would she notice that? His hand was cold he should have worn gloves. There was mud on the hem of his left leg oh god he was dressed like a slob and she was so cute looking and shoot they were getting drinks. He should pay for her drink right? Because he'd invited her? No, wait he'd just suggested it was it too presumptuous to offer to pay for it? Would she take it the wrong way?

Marcus's head was starting to hurt was a vast understatement for the evening.

Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, cheeks flushing in a way that had nothing to do with the cold and everything to do with the fact Juniper was laughing. Why did women have to be so cute. Why did people have to be attractive. This was the worst.
She was leaning into him.
This was the best.

"I hope by the end of the night we won't be such a mystery to each other." He'd meant it innocently enough, but his voice had altered a hair, tone not implying what his brain had been thinking. He wanted friendship and he was ruining his own chances. Or maybe not. The man was thinking far too hard about the whole situation and needed to calm down. Hopefully, the alcohol would help with that.

A light cough, his free hand reached up, resting on her own. Yeah. This was fine. Just. Act normal. He'd be fine. It was a nice night, she was nice, and if she felt uncomfortable she'd say something, pull away.
"But you are right. Whiskey. Vodka if I want something flavored. Ciders are perfect to me since they don't have that hard hoppy note. With a cider or mead, the flavor profiles are more forward and smoother in general. But I am partial to most sweet things." He tilted his head at her, hair falling over half his face.

He had to brush it back, subconsciously taking a second to flex. Marcus knew she was looking and when he realized that, his hand was brought back down onto her own. Standing in line he had to admit, it was impressive just how easily things moved here at the festival, it helped make it seem almost otherworldly in a good way. The lights, the sounds, the smells. There might not have been a bad playing, but the soothing music was perfect for casual walking and conversation. Not loud enough to drown out talk, but just enough to be heard past the cacophony of discussions all around them.
Before he could dwell on how lucky he was to have found company, they were at the front of the line. He placed his order letting Juniper do the same before-
"Let me." He put his card down before she could protest.
"Seems only fair since I suggested it." His panic rose in the back of his head.

He hoped she didn't mind.





Trash Husband


Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 6:28 pm
With the sun gone, steam rose from many of the food trucks and tents as the night grew more crisp. The bar, whose line they were patiently waiting in, had one of the workers walking around and lighting the few jack-o-lanterns that had been carved for decorations. None of them were carved with anything scary, seeing as there were kids around, but they gave that Halloween feel. That’s right, Halloween isn’t far. I’ll have to try and come up with a costume or something. Assuming of course she found a party to go to. She hoped something would be arranged considering Halloween was probably her favorite holiday, followed closely by Christmas.

At Marcus’s words, Juniper turned her attention back to him and raised a brow. A playful grin spread across her face. “I am sure we will begin to unravel some mysteries about each other.” Her tone was coy and airy and she leaned just a bit more into him, her other arm moving across her chest to rest upon Marcus’s hand. Unlike what he might have though, she found his hand quite warm.

“I think you hit the nail on the head there with the beer. It’s the hoppy flavor I don’t care for either. I’ve tried all sorts of beers too and it’s always that nasty aftertaste that never seems to go away that I can’t get over. I agree, sweet tasting things is always the way go.” She watched as his hair shifted to cover his face, and she felt the muscles under her arm shift and flex as he moved to fix the stray strands. She may not be able to see what he looked like under his jacket but she sure got a good idea after that little demonstration.

She was about to comment on the fact when she felt Marcus nudge forward again and she turned her attention to the line and realized they were next. She barely glanced at the sign before ordering the special hot cider that they had. Before she even had a chance to reach in her back pocket to grab her money, Marcus had slid his card onto the bar to pay. It wasn’t a normal occurrence anymore that people paid for her drinks. In college, sure, she had guys trying to buy her drinks to get in her favor but that was years ago now. It felt...different somehow? Maybe because it hadn’t been expected? A part of her felt a twinge of shame that he was offering to buy for her, but that came from the fact that she knew she was unable to do the same for him and thus didn’t want it to seem like she was taking advantage of him.

But he looked so decisive. Well, since he got the drinks, I can probably swing the food… Assuming they didn’t get anything too expensive.

“Fine by me.” She said with a pleasant smile. “But I get the food then.” She gave him a wink.Good thing I stuffed my bank card into my pocket too..

She unwound her arms from his own only when the drinks came out. Her own cup was steaming when she lifted the drinking spout and she wrapped her hands around the cardboard cup. “Oh man, I want to sip it now but know my tongue will probably hate me for it.” She looked longingly at the warm drink but, with the temperature still dropping, it wouldn’t be long before she would be able to sip at the beverage.

“So, what did you have in mind for food? Something sweet? Savory?”

wc: 607

PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 3:01 am
The heat of another warm body next to your own was something comforting. In the summer, you didn't notice it unless it was the dead of night outside. But in fall, you started to notice. It happened in daylight. In lines in the morning at coffee shops. At night, the throngs of people warmed the air. When someone was on your arm, it was like an old blanket you kept packed away for sentimental reasons. It wasn't even a thing that happened with those exclusively close to you. It just happened in proximity. Yet when you added flirtations into the mix? Things got a lot warmer a lot quicker.

Plus Juniper was flirting back. At least, that is what he was taking from her replies. Okay. That was... good. It was good. He got the clear so he could make another move on her right? Keep trying to be cool. Act smooth. Smooth like silk. Or a latte. Yeah. Hot a steamy. Wait no shoot he didn't want to be like that he just wanted be nice oh god he was going to run his mouth and ruin things against wasn't he?
"Well so far, I've found one sweet thing."
Like that.
God talk about cheesy. It was so... basic. Wait she called herself a basic white girl did that mean she'd like that kind of a pickup line? Was that a thing? Basic for basics? Wasn't that demeaning? She was more of a person than that and calling her basic was a backhanded insult oh god he was screwing it up.
Mentally sweating bullets, Marcus was trying his best to keep up the facade that he wasn't having a mental breakdown of 'things to say to a cute woman on your arm 2k16'.

Their drinks came quick enough, both Given a once over, no IDs checked. The festival was fairly lax in that aspect, but then, they hardly looked young enough to pass as teens. The ciders came out in those cardboard wax paper cups with a coffee style lid. No logos- to anyone looking it was a latte or normal hot cider. But the scent that wafted up was that tang of fermentation, and bringing it to his lips, pausing to test the heat before burning his mouth, Marcus let out a hum of happiness as he took his first drink. Now this was the good stuff. Just the right alcoholic kick and the spice to clear up any nose in the cold weather and to start that pleasant warm feeling in your belly.

This was what people waited a whole year to have and rightly so. It was best in one season.
"It's perfect I think. But then I just go for it. It'd rather get a small quick burn than have to drink it cold later. I'm the type to nurse my drink for a while though, so I want to get the full enjoyment while I can." And it would help his nerves. Liquid courage was real and it came in the form of fermented beverages.

Looking at the booths that were around them, many offered sweet treats. Fried, baked, on a stick. He was pretty sure he just saw a BBQ grilled pumpkin cubes in someone's hand.
"Savory to match the sweet of our drinks. I think they have some honey baked ham rolls somewhere. Or, maybe some mint squash things? Not sure how that flavor would work out though." Blue eyes looked down at his mentally self designated date.
"I picked the drink, you pick the food? And no- I was the one who suggested alcohol. I'll buy you a snack too. It's just gentlemanly. Plus I-" Oh man don't screw it up Marcus he mentally told himself, don't screw it up.
"I can't exactly expect you to give me your number if I don't at least show you a good time the first time."

He screwed it up.





Trash Husband


Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 5:19 pm
Juniper was enjoying herself immensely. What had started as an evening to just indulge herself a bit, turned into something that, if she was so lucky, could blossom into something a bit more. How much more, she wasn’t sure, nor did that really matter to her. Juniper was very much in the moment and Marcus was making the moment all that more pleasurable. It had been a very happy mistake that she had run into him. Literally.

Despite herself and the very terrible pick up line, Juniper felt a blush deepen her already slightly rosy cheeks. Whether or not Marcus took it as the cold or not, she wasn’t sure, but he did make a small rush go through her body. Even though Juniper was never opposed to flings and one night stands, she was, deep down, a romantic. Marcus was doing a damn good job of hitting that little bit of her soul with his cheery words. But, she found it endearing in a way.

Still, she didn’t want to lead on that she was enjoying their flirting banter as much as she was.

With a small laugh she gave him a gentle tug on his arm. “Flattery will get you nowhere and everywhere.” She teased playfully, knowing her own response was basic and cryptic at the same time. “Though I think you may find that this sweet thing as a bit of bite to it.” With a wink she turned her attention back to the stands they were walking by. After all, they needed sustenance to go along with their alcoholic drinks. Considering Juniper hadn’t eaten in hours she expected it wouldn’t take long for her to feel the effects of whatever was in the cider if she didn’t get food soon considering she had begun to sip gingerly at the hot liquid. Like Marcus had said, it actually wasn’t too terribly hot, certainly sippable and something she could nurse over time while it cooled down.

“Alright. Savory it is. Probably the best choice or otherwise we might go into sugar comas between a sweet food and this apple cider.” A face was made at the squash and mint combo. “That’s a bit too much of an odd combo for me to try, I think.” She was about to comment back that she was quite willing and able to pay for the food when he made a remark that made it obvious to her where his intentions were this evening. Welp. Seems I found myself a legit date tonight. With a smile she leaned her head against his shoulder as they walked slowly through the stands. “Alright. I guess I’ll make you work for it since you seem so inclined.” She lifted her head and turned her attention to the stands. “You’re doing a mighty fine job so far, may I add.”

Now that she knew where Marcus’s mind was, she was a bit more aware of him, and the fact that she wanted to pick something that wouldn’t be too terribly messy or incriminating to eat in front of him. Hmmmm, so much to choose from. Then her eyes caught sight of deep fried battered squash and cheese on a stick. Instantly she knew that would have to taste good with the saltiness of the cheese mixed with the slight sweetness of the squash. Plus, it was deep fried. Everything was better deep fried. “How about that?” She gestured over to the stand with the hand that held her cider. The stand mentioned had blaring lights about deep fried pickles, vegetables, oreos, twinkies, but it was the banner, hung on the side,the introduced the new squash and mozzarella cheese combo. “Will that work for you? It has to be better than the minto combination anyway.” She grinned as she looked at him.

wc: 638

PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:47 pm
She blushed and he noticed. In fact, he was noticing a lot more than he probably should have. Her face, (cute; he particularly liked her nose's shape. Was that odd? Maybe.), her neck, (he wondered if he could try to flirt by brushing away a few strand of hair there and doing that 'casual' whisper thing' he saw in all those cheesy romance movies. Women seemed to like that but did it work in real life? He'd think on attempting it later), he hands, (smaller than his, perfect for hand holding. A second date move maybe? Or if he was feeling bold with out being too overt? Again, media did him no favors).
Marcus was enamored with Juniper and how well the night was going. Luck was on his side so far, and he just hoped it would last. Or that Juniper at least wouldn't shoot him down too quickly. He really was enjoying just being in close proximity to someone else who wasn't on a business call.

"It's not flattery if it is spoken with sincerity and is true. I don't say things just to say them. No point to it then." He leaned a little bit into her and went for it. It being that thing he saw a guy do on that one movie where the couple was super into each other but was pretending to be into each other while actually faking it. Convoluted movie to be sure but Marcus hoped that this would work. Hope being the key word.
Leaning in he did his best to make himself sound into her and be sneaky about his words.
"Who said I'm not into that?"

And he blushed, face moving away faster from her than he'd care to admit. Maybe he meant sweet things. Maybe biting. Who was he kidding, they were both adults and he was trying hard to get a second date and was laying it on thick and paying for a drink and food and s**t this is why he shouldn't date. He was terrible at reading people and situations. Fingers fidgeted as she suggested food.
"Sounds good. Never had it before and it never hurts to try something new." Like moves you learned from box office flops that you saw at the dollar theater.
"Squash for me. I can get the rest at any carnival or fair. Squash is only one season a year though. The best things in life as they say, are fleeting."
No one said that. As they ordered, his mind wandered, which was a terrible thing and it drifted back to an erlier comment she made.
"You know how flattery will get me everywhere and nowhere?"

"The only place I want to go is hoooo-" Oh no. Oh wow. He was going to say home. And that was certainly NOT the implication he wanted to give off.
Too late now.
"-oome with you. Say good night and maybe get a date? I realize that must have come off as something terrible. But really, I would like your number, if you- ah. I'm being presumptuous. Lord have mercy, let's go see some of the booths before I end up with my foot in my mouth. See if I can't find a new scarf to use to cover up my shame."





Trash Husband


Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 7:01 pm
“Well, you’re certainly good with your words, then.” She smiled coyly.

Marcus’s lean and touch just emboldened Juniper more. She was damn certain she was into this guy and that he was into her as well. Now the question remained where she and he wanted to go with this. Well...the question didn’t need be asked of her. She knew where she wanted this to end up, but so far Marcus, for the most part, had been showing a more sincere and kind disposition. ”Who said I’m not into that?’ came out of his mouth and was quickly followed by a blush and Juniper couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face. Well, perhaps there was a bit more to him than sweet and sincere? “Hmmm...I’ve made a mental note of that, thank you.” She winked, hoping to cause that adorable blush to grow even further.

To save the poor man, Juniper decided to turn her attention to the stand and food in question. “So, just squash for you? Can’t say I blame you there. Squash and pumpkin season is far too short of time period. Pack yourself as full as you can of it now.” Though, Juniper still was set on the combo of the cheese and squash. So when it came time to order, that was exactly what she got. Thankfully the stand was well run. Within a few minutes, both of them had been given their squash (and in Junipers case, Squash and cheese) on a stick. It was battered and fried to perfection and obviously steaming from the oil it had recently come out of.

As she grabbed some napkins for the two of them she turned her attention to Marcus at his comment. There wasn’t a chance for her to say anything before the man nearly dug himself a hole 6 feet under. Or he possibly would have with another girl. Instead, Juniper took the slip up as a perfect opportunity to let her intentions out. With her one hand holding the skewered squash and cheese, she walked up to Marcus, and wrapped her free arm around his neck, her body pressing against his ever so slightly. Leaning her head in, she smirked and whispered into his ear. “How about you just, come home with me and we enjoy the rest of the evening together?” She looked into those blue eyes of his. “I think we can talk about that possible 2nd date later on.” She hesitated a moment before finally pulling away from him.

“I don’t think a scarf would be acceptable. I want to look at your handsome face, not some block of material.” She carefully took a bite of her food. It was almost slow motion with the way she went but she feared burning her mouth. After all, the cheese was probably still like molten lava underneath the batter. And she was right. She instantly pulled away from the stick but didn’t release her bite (after all that would be nasty and not sexy), and a long string of mozzarella followed her, connecting the piece in her mouth to the chunk still on the stick. Welp. So much for picking a food that wouldn’t be embarrassing to eat. Her own blue eyes looked up at MArcus, before she carefully pulled at the cheese with two fingers to break it.

Yep. That worked well.

wc: 568

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 3:07 pm
Wow. Wow he was really not expecting that response or reaction and her reply to his bold statement had heat rushing up all over his face and even down his neck. This woman was out to torment him with being so darn approachable and inviting and crud.
His mind went places (her place) and the idea of walking her home and holding her hand and kissing her good night. Oh man, that would really be great and he hoped he could at least maybe sneak in a bit of hand holding here. She was okay with him flirting and so maybe he could try? It was sort of a date now? An accidental date, (something he seemed to be having a lot of as of recent, maybe it was the fact it was fall and people were just falling for him), of all things.

"Yeah... just squash." He muttered out, face turned away as he rubbed his chin, trying to regain self composure and squash his embarrassment. The poor stall workers got looks of one sad man who was trying his best not to look as flustered as he felt but ultimately failing. Still, he held a tiny bit of a smile throughout, stealing glances at Juniper shyly from the corner of his eyes and acting like he hadn't be obvious to his infatuation. Napkins dabbed to the hot oil to prevent it from spilling onto his clothes or his hand, he gently blew on the bright yellow cubes before Juniper surprised him yet again with her own boldness.

This was a woman out for his blood. She was sent to kill him. And he was a man ready to die.

Her whispers made his tiny smile shoot into a wide grin even as that heat filled his face right back up. "Well now." He looked up at the night sky, then at her, then at the sky, head shaking.
"Well." Things had certainly gone that route, and he hadn't even needed a ghost wingman this time. The rush of confidence that sudden came with Juniper's open invite was a thrill, and he leaned back into her, making sure to narrow what little space there was left between them. He had never planned this, but he was going to see it to the end. Hand holding or not.
"Consider my face for your viewing pleasure then. If you'd like to touch or do more, those options are also on the table." Blue eyes widened at her bite of cheese and while a part of him wondered why it was so attractive. Under any other circumstance he'd probably just consider it normal eating. But bedroom eyes were there, the tone was set and suddenly melty cheese was more attractive than it had the right to be.

Juniper was a horrible woman out for his blood and he might as well have given her a direct IV to his heart. Mouth open to try and say something, he got nothing out, only able to manipulate skewer to his cider hand so he could offer her a clean napkin.

"What-" He kept looking at her mouth and trying not to think how she was flirting back and saying terrible things and this night was going nothing like he'd planned.
"What do you want to do?" It came out a bit more deep than he'd intended and with a cough he clarified with a more normal tone.
"Here at the festival I mean. There are a few games we can hit up. I can try to impress you at ring toss. I tend to be fairly good at that, win at least the first or second level prizes."

Anything to keep his mind from 'she invited me back to her place kind of sort of'.


[wct: 3838]  



Trash Husband


Inquisitive Agent

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 1:56 pm
Juniper enjoyed the fact that Marcus responded to her obvious invitation in such a way. As things stood now, they were both in for a very entertaining night and she was not at all opposed to kicking it off sooner rather than later. Besides the food and drink, she hadn’t come down here with the intention of buying or doing anything else, so finding Marcus had been a real treat. Being distracted had paid off for her this time.

With the cheese under control Juniper glanced back to the counter they had just left. There sat her drink. “Geez. Can’t forget that!” She hurried over to grab it, apologizing to the owners of the food stand and the people in line, before returning. By this point the drink had finally mellowed down to a temperature below lava and she was able to take a large swig of it. The warmth of the drink and the alcohol was incredibly pleasing as it meandered its way to her tummy. One thing was for certain though. The bartenders certainly didn’t skimp on the alcoholic portion of the drink. Even with some food, Juniper expected to be feeling a slight buzz by the time she finished the drink.

“I think there are a few other games I am more interested in and none of them are appropriate for a festival.” Shifting her cheese and squash kabob to the same hand as her drink, Juniper grinned and leaned back into Marcus. It was incredibly useful that they were a similar height otherwise, it would have been that much harder for her to lean in and steal a kiss from him. After all, she wanted to make sure he knew her intentions and that said intentions no longer involved the festival they were at.

What she had not been counting on was the practical contact high she got from him. “Jesus.” She said once she pulled away, her forehead against his own. “You are one hell of a kisser.” And she wanted more, but it was destined to go downhill very fast if she moved in for another lip lock right away. Instead, she gave him a smile. “I think I’d rather just head back home. What do you think?” Should couldn’t help herself and gave him another peck, but didn’t let herself linger. Instead she finally pulled away. Shifting the kabob back to her free hand she took another drink of her apple cider. “Come on. We can walk. It won’t be too terribly long and we can enjoy our food and drink on the way back.”

Juniper turned to glance around the festival to gain her bearings before gesturing for Marcus to follow her through the crowds. The young woman was more than ready to enjoy the rest of her evening and figured Marcus wouldn’t be too upset if they left the festival now. After all, the evening was still quite young for the two of them.

wc: 495

RP total: 3,853


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