HOMESTUCK - the webcomic trolls are based off. not required to read, but if you have it helps! trolls first make a major appearance at the beginning of act 5.1

HOMESTUCK wiki - information on this wiki may conflict with the shop, as we break cannon occasionally. contains information on the other comics written by Andrew Hussie.

TROLL LANGUAGE GENERATOR - useful nifty tool! fun fact, the troll language is the daedric alphabet from the elder scrolls videogame, flipped upside down and backwards.

TROLL LANGUAGE FONTS - debatably even more useful than the language generator above.

TROLL AGE GENERATOR - useful as well! trolls measure time passing in solar sweeps rather than months and years.

SYMBOLS.COM - good for makin' trolls if you want the symbol to be important!

COLOURPICKER - sweet sweet hex codes.

HEMMINGWAYAPP - handy for checking over your walls 'o text.

WORDCOUNTER - how many words did you write?

SYPONS MEGA TROLL DATABASE - shop troll data breakdown: electric boogaloo

SYPONS MEGA PRP DATABASE - breakdown of all (+1 post, non-event) hivestuck rps!

if you have any links you think would provide useful, please post them below.