
User-Name: TsunKitty
Shinobi-Name: Uchiha, Haruka
Shinobi-Nickname: Haru/HaruHaru
Shinobi-Age: Thirteen
Shinobi-Sex: Female
Shinobi-Village: Leaf
Shinobi-Clan: Uchiha
Shinobi-Squad : Twelve
Shinobi-Rank: Chunin
Shinobi-Picture: User Image
Shinobi-Markings: Several scars on her back but one that goes from her right shoulder to her left side.
Shinobi-Bio: Haruka was playing outside one day when she was around four or five when she was taken right from the yard. She spent the next several years being pit against other children to survive. She underwent so many operations and surgeries by her captor. Little did she know the man used to hunt Uchiha's during his lifetime. He implanted some of the eyes he took into her. Making her own sharingan stronger which had been awakened due to what she went through.

There were times were there was just blank spots in her memory where she remembered little to nothing. It was on a day like that where she escaped. She was maybe ten when she stabbed one of her captors in the side and ran leaving the hideout. They gave chase and during a few fights traded blows, injuring each other badly. It was only when she neared the leaf village did they back off.

Haruka was sure she would die but she was found and brought into the village. Life since has been tense and awkward, choosing to live away from any family she has.

She has since become a chunin
Shinobi-Jutsu type: Genjutsu/Ninjutsu

Shinobi-Techniques/ Equiptment

2. Katana
3. Shuriken
4. Kunai

Shinobi-Jutsu List:
1. Clone Jutsu
2. Transformation Jutsu
3. Replacement Jutsu
4. Fireball
5. Chidori
6. Fire breath
7. Great dragon flame
8. Chidori pulse (Her own creation. She creates a pulse after engulfing her hand in chidori slamming it into the ground)
9. Chidori Senbon

Shinobi-Bloodline Trait: Due to her captors experiments she has an enhanced mangenkyou sharingan
Shinobi- Summoning: Army of kittens! (Her reason for choosing kittens. Theyre cute)
Shinobi-Specialty: Attack/defense
Shinobi-Theme Song: