Welcome to Gaia Paradise. Here you can make a lot of friends, do polls, get tips on making gold and playing games, and have a overall better experience on Gaia! All are welcome!

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Welcome to everyone who decides to join! Hopefully you will have a nice experience with this guild. Hope you have fun! If you have any questions or concerns, message the owner, IrishGrlBre.

Right now this guild is SUPER new. We need activity and members. Please invite your friends and start posting in the forum. Make sure to follow our rules though! Contests will come when we get more members!

1. Don't post anything without a Poll! You must have a poll in your topic. I mean, if you don't have a poll, you won't be in any trouble, but please, please have one!
2. Don't spam. There is a bump board. Spam there any nowhere else please.
3. Don't make bump boards. Lol we already have one. Bump on that one.
4. Don't beg other members for their money and items. We will eventually have a sub forum for gift givers.
5. This isn't a rule, but please donate. We need it. With it we will create more contests, forums for the guild, and much more. Donating is important.
6. Be active, Please =]
7. dunt thyp lyk dis. ppl wunt udrstnd u!
8. Be nice and caring to others.

Topic Posting Info
* Please have a poll in every topic.
* If you want friends please go into the "Add me" topic. Dont make a zillion. Eventually we will get a subforum to where you can make a zillion though biggrin
* You can say whats up and stuff.
* You can make topics and tips that you may want to share. We will again, one day have a subforum for this. This will be our first subforum that we do make. But go ahead and post whatever you have. Whether its making gold, or fishing, if you know something we dont, please share smile
* Have fun. jeesh =]