New Members Welcome. This Guild is still under construction. Please be patient with any changes that occur while you are here. Thank you.

Old Members This Guild is now under new ownership and is now under a new catagory. If you have interest in the new catagory please feel free to enjoy the changes and the guild makeover. Thank you.

Welcome to No Strings Attached An Asian Ball-Jointed Dolls Guild
User Image
[image used with permission from artemiselani]

This Guild is a place for Asian Ball-Jointed Doll Owners, Enthusiasts,
Expectant Owners, and those just interested to get together and share.
This Guild is meant to be a positive experience for all who join it.
If anyone has concerns I am more than happy to listen to them and try my best to accomadate you.
In return for this I ask that you follow the rules I set down and the gaia TOS.

Thank you very much,