Welcome to the Black Rose Poetry Guild.

Come here if you think you have talent in the writing, poetry, drawing, or lyrics genre. We are not here to judge you. We will give professional advice on how to improve your writing, poetry, drawing or lyrics. If you would like to join fill in the request form with a piece of writing or a drawing or piece of art from your collection. It can be any length and in any genre, if I feel you have talent I will let you in. If I don't, please don't be offended, I am very picky. However, I will try to keep an open mind while reading your entries. Please be polite in the forums, keep the swearing to a minimal, and NO CYBERING. Not only is it kind of rude, it is also wrong. Oh and any work you submit in any writing contests, forum posts, or request forms must be your own work, even if the person who wrote it gave you permission to use it, I want to see your work not theirs. Ok then have fun!!!!! razz