• Never have i seen such
    This blasphemy too much to bear
    Get me out of this
    This hell
    Save me from the pain i so rightly deserve
    My adulterous hands to be removed by flame
    My wanderous eyes slowly melted
    My lungs combusting into oblivion
    My heart still fights
    Fights through the darkness
    To find something anything to help
    Purify these lips
    Purify this mind
    This sweet stench burning my nostrils
    Someone, Anyone
    Help this agonized heart to survive
    This threat of eternal damnation everlasting
    Everything known as is or was has deteriorated
    Excrutiating pain as the end nears
    Hope fades as everything goes to black
    Blackness consuming the last light of hope
    The heart is lost forever
    Joining the others consumed